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RAYA. Time to get yourself fat and earn extra money!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
10:36 AM
Hey peeps! It's 3rd day of Raya and here am I. Blogging. pffft. Just got back from my hometown. I seriously hate Taylor's now. We only got 1 week raya break. Meanwhile, most of universities and colleges got 2 weeks raya-break. So sad :( all of my cousins are still at my late grandfather's house. Having fun, eat ketupat rendang, play cards, gossips, shisha until late night. Me? Rushed back home today because i have to post one entry about raya before 12 tonight *screams*

So yeah. How's my Raya? Hurmm, A BLAST. I really had fun. Minus the part i got a high fever a day before Raya. So i missed the "gotong-royong" and cooking part. Actually, i should consider myself lucky. All those works are really tiring. Hahaha. I celebrated my 1st day of Raya at Kuala Lumpur. My dad's hometown is here. So yeah. I woke up around 9am. Obviously, i missed the "Raya prayer" already. As usual :) Took my bath, get ready then off to my grandmother's house. Had my breakfast there. Ohmyyyyy all the ketupat, lemang, rendang daging, rendang ayam, rendang kerang, kuah kacang and Raya cookies. I ate a lot. I mean A LOT. Haha. After "friday prayer", me and my family went back to my mom's hometown "Batang Berjuntai" or now know as "Bestari Jaya". They think the name sounds horny :D I had more fun there because I have lots of cousins around my age. My gang. It great to have the chance to hang out, sleep together, gossip until early in the morning, supper and the best part. HOME-MADE SHISHA!!! Believe it or not, my uncle brought his shisha thingy and let my 6 to 15 year old cousin try it. Well, I don't know whether to say he is cool or bad influence to all of us. HAHA.

Ok, enough about how I celebrate my Raya. I can write all night but the story will never end =) Lets get a little bit serious. Ok peeps? :D

So, what is Raya or Eid actually? It's a celebration for the Muslims to commemorate Muslims victory and their journey during Ramadhan. You know, after a month fasting. And fasting itself remind us to the less fortunate, poor people who cant afford food and starve. fasting not only about restrain your urges for food but control yourself in so many aspect. Control your anger, lust, temptations and so on. (no, im not that religious but as a Muslim, I should know all of that :) ) So yeah, as noble as the celebration of Eid is, it makes me wonder why we should make a whole fuss about it. Is it necessary to celebrate it joyously? Why can't we instill what we learnt during Ramadhan and be thankful that even after Ramadhan we could still afford food while others, the poor and unlucky people i mean still remain starve. Why waste so much energy, time and especially money to a celebration that was initially intended for Muslims to understand the meaning of sacrifices? GET MY POINT? NO? Am i thinking too much? -.-

It just my personal opinion. Im not trying to rebel or what. Yes, I still celebrate raya, had 2 pairs of baju kurung and kebaya this year =) Owh, I should leave you guys with some pictures. More on facebook!

Au revoir readers,
xoxo <3

High School is so over. Hello College.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
6:04 AM
Hey peeps. As you know, I'm studying at Taylor's Lakeside Campus now. Well, a lot of people ask me. Why Taylor's? Why I choose to go to this freaking expensive private college which cost thousands ringgit of my parent's money when I have the chance to pursue my study at Local Matriculation College and Public University. First of all, NO. I didn't fail my SPM. I think I did well. Hehe. I let go the matrix offer because I'm no longer interested to do anything related to science. I'm sick of Chemistry and Physics. They are just not my thing. Second, I don't want to be far from home. Haha. I know, I sound silly now. But yeah. That is one of the reason. I don't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere, stuck at lame jungle place without shopping mall, miserable days without mom's delicious home-cook, no McD delivery at midnight and early in the morning, share room and even worst, BATHROOM! Ok, I sound like a little spoil brat now. But that is the truth and I have the gut to admit it. So, think twice before you want to judge me. Pardon me, but I just can't stand it. So here i am now. Stuck in the middle of Subang and Sunway, at this so-called awesome place- Taylor's Lakeside Campus

this is the view from Taylor's Library.

That is my new 2nd home and I'm loving it. College life is awesome. So, what make it awesome? Hurmm. No uniform and no silly rules obviously. Haha. Frankly, college life is absolutely different from high school. The lecturers are sporting. They treat us like a friend. What I love the most is there is no right or wrong in our class. Everyone can speak up, tell where they stand and share their ideas or opinions. Back in High School, we just listen to the teachers, do exercises, pass up our homework on time, sit for a big final exam, pass with flying colors and we call it SUCCESS. The end. Here in college, we learn how to work in group. Be imaginative, be confidence. We try to think out of the box, to be bold and difference. Way different from school life. When I was in high school, I always got excited thinking that I don't have to wear uniform to college. But now, the fact that I don't have uniform to wear is kind of stressing me. As a girl, it's important to look good 24/7 (no?) So everyday, I have to brainstorm what to wear to class. Trust me, it's tiring to stand in front of wardrobe and think what to wear. Haha.

see. i don't have to wear uniform :D

Last but not least, the people! I mean my classmates. My new best friends. Owh, i love them to bit. Haha. Actually, i kinda miss them now. We have 4 days break. Ohmygod, I cant wait to see them tomorrow. Amalina Abdul Wahab a.k.a Liena is among my first friends i made in Taylor's and we just click :D Then i have Calvin Wong. We went through the same thing, A PAINFUL BREAK UP. We support each other and yes, i always slap him to wake him up. Haha. Next is Mitchell Andrews. This emo guy of mine. I love you! He is a nice guy, very open minded and naughty. Hehe. Elaine, Cheryl, Shana, Dhanisha, Malik, Benny, Terry, Terrance and more!! You guys rock DIC July Intake 2010. I believe I gonna have a blast journey in Taylor's with all of you. <3 <3 <3

Hurmm, how long is this post already?  Haish. Honestly, blogging isn't my thing. When it comes to writing, my mind will get stuck. Seriously D: This is something new for me but no worries, i will do my best!

Au revoir readers. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
10:57 PM
Hello! Welcome to my very first blog. This blog is created for the sake of Creative Communication & Portfolio Development assessment Task 1. Haha. We are required to create a blog and to have at least two post every week. This will last until the week 9 of my first semester. Let's see if I will continue blogging after the task comes to the end. Who knows i would enjoy blogging right? ;) oh well,  I have lots of friends who own a blog but I never have any interest to create one. So yeah, here I am now. Writing my first post. I will write a proper post about my college life later. Stay tuned peeps!

p/s: première means first in french.